Countless Health Heroes were on the scene on February 8 for our free colonoscopy screening event. Doctors and nurses from The Center for Digestive Health in Macomb volunteered their time, services, and impressive facility for patients in need. Volunteer staff was on hand to help coordinate patients and services, and to make the event run smoothly and the experience as stress-free as possible for patients. Our colleague Dr. Justin Brox at the Gary Bernstein Community Health Clinic in Pontiac, MI and Trinity Health helped us to identify patients in need.
It took my breath away to see all of these amazing heroes gathered together in service of others, and united in the fight against colorectal cancer. And yet, the greatest Health Heroes at this event were the individuals who came to be screened. These heroes took control of their health, and made this important step to screen and to detect.
One Health Hero sent us a kind letter afterward that reads: “Just wanted to thank all of you for donating your time, facility, and expertise! Now I can have some peace of mind.”
Colorectal cancer, when discovered early, is highly treatable. Early detection is the key to raising survival rates. During the free colonoscopy screening event, polyps were discovered in more than 30 percent of the patients in attendance. One patient had 9 polyps! As a result of our event, these patients are now on the path to full health.
Dr. Nandi Charities is committed to providing education, prevention, screening, and treatment of colon cancer, and also supporting the research of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance through active fundraising.